Friday, April 10, 2009

TWITTER, cause I REALLY need to UPDATE my BLOG but never do!

Yeah, I haven't updated in FOR-EV-ER!
It's so sad because the videos in my old posts are gone and my blog looks pathetic whilst I've had an office job for six months and part of that very job involves checking blogs! Ah!

So, lately I’ve been discovering all the awesome things that can be done with a little thing called twitter you all must have heard about by now.

What it is:
Basically, just a web application that allows you to update your status, but in so many ways.

What I like about it:
You can update your status via text message (by texting to 40404). You can also choose to have other twitterer's status updates texted to you and text replies directly to people (by putting @username at the beginning of the text).

Most recently, I discovered that you can send pictures to a related-connected thing called twitpic, which is a great way to utilize all those dang-weird things I take phone pictures of throughout my day.

So, what I'm saying is:
Sign up with twitter so I can publicly stalk you (or entertain you) when I get bored!

Updates on the fun I had in New York soon to come...


Nathan Williams said...

you should put the shots up of your band that I saw in the office

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read this blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Anonymous said...

BTW, buy GPS blocker to jam all spy devices in your room or office.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, I found this blog just now via google.

Anyways, I was curious if you would be interested in a 3 way link exchange. The result of this
exchange would be more people visiting your blog .

All you need to do is link back to my website with the anchor text "New Hip Hop Songs"
and send me a email at with confirmation.

Once I get this, I'll link to your blog from another one of my websites. This will benefit both our websites,
and avoid any penalties from a link exchange.

By the way, I love your blog!